Apple has finally entered the AI arms race…

Neon Ai On A Keyboard
Neon AI on a keyboard

And in just a few short months, in September, the next version of iOS and MacOS with these new AI features will start to roll out…

In to hundreds of millions of peoples devices and lives…

And with a native ChatGPT integration, AI is finally going to be truly “mainstream”…

Right now, according to a research study by Pew Research Center, only around 14% of all US adults have used ChatGPT…

Meaning, right now, 86% of adults in the Western world haven’t even used the major AI product available right now…

Which has huge implications for those of us selling AI-type services.

You see, people still think that “bots” means those old school “dumb” bots from a decade ago…

It’s only those who’ve actually used and experienced something like ChatGPT that realise the true power, and “get it” straight away…

When Apple launch their ChatGPT integration and AI features in a few short months, these figures will change… literally OVERNIGHT.

AI will finally have it’s mainstream moment…

And that presents a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for AI integrators and service providers like ourselves.

Because finally, people will “get it”…

They’ll immediately understand and know the value and impact an AI-powered chatbot, and other AI-powered services, can have on their business…

And frankly, they’ll understand that NOT having these type of things integrated into their business…

Could make them OBSOLETE in the nearby future.

As Bill Gates, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Elon Musk, and many industry titans have noted…


Or as Peter Diamandis, executive chairman of Singularity University recently put it…

“EMBRACE AI OR FACE EXTINCTION” – Peter Diamandis, 2023

Whilst at first glance, these statements may sound like hyperbole…

They are absolutely, 100% true.

AI has arrived…

… and it’s only getting smarter, faster, and better in every way from here.

Don’t believe me? You might’ve heard about the OpenAI drama back in November, where CEO Sam Altman was ousted from the company with no warning…

He’s now back, but what many don’t realise, is the potential reason Sam was removed in the first place…

As Reuters reported:

OpenAI’s mission is to create a so-called “AGI” – artificial general intelligence… a REAL super-intelligence unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Around 8 months ago, OpenAI researches made a breakthrough which has got the company dangerously close to achieving this… years earlier than expected.

It’s rumoured that Sam was wanting to push ahead in commercialising new breakthroughs like these sooner rather than later – something the board was very much against, without sufficient safety testing.

Discussions around AGI safety are outside the scope of what I’m here to talk to you about today, but, one thing is for sure…

Things are only speeding up from here.

The Genie IS out of the magic lamp, and it’s not going back inside.

Peter Diamandis’ warning to businesses to “EMBRACE AI OR DIE” is not hyperbole…

It’s fact.

Businesses that do not leverage AI…

And leverage it SOON… as in the next 6 – 12 months…

Are going to be left in the dust… wondering what the heck happened, virtually overnight.

And this is where the opportunity lies…

<aside> 🔮 AI experts and consultants, are going to become THE most sought after profession in the world.


And it’s going to happen fast.

6 – 12 months fast.

Those who are ready and prepared for this opportunity will in store for the financial adventure of a lifetime. Right place, right time, right skills.

If you know me, you know I rarely use hype when it comes to selling…

If you attended the last mini bootcamp I ran, I used ZERO income claims what-so-ever. I’m not a fan of them. I believe it’s up to you to put in the work, and nobody else can do the work for you, therefore nobody can promise you any specific “result”.

But listen to me closely here…

I truly believe that becoming a remote AI Integrator, and having those skills, is the equivalent to a winning lottery ticket today, and that no easier way to build a successful business, so quickly, exists today.

This isn’t just my opinion…

The private capital markets tell the same story.

AI startups and companies are lightyears ahead of anything else right now when it comes to the sheer capital being thrown around…

Just recently, Anthrophic, an OpenAI competitor raised $450 million in funding… then added another $100 million shortly thereafter, because investor appetite was so high.

They are by no means unique.

Obscene amounts of money like this is being thrown at AI companies left, right and centre…

And now, Fortune 500 companies are scrambling, hiring AI “experts” for insane amounts of money, to figure out how they can use AI within their businesses.

Now, I don’t propose we jump in and help giant mega corporations with AI – sounds like too much of a headache to me (too much red tape for my liking)…

But I do think that the opportunity to help regular, everyday small and medium sized businesses implement AI into their business is THE opportunity of the century.

Whether that’s something as simple as an AI chatbot to start to field customer questions, objections, or capture leads…

Or an entire AI integration for them, covering things like automating their social media with AI, 80% of their customer support, their email marketing and design, their advertising and creative, automated video production and content creation, automating repetitive business processes, etc…

And that’s not to mention the fact that when you have these skills, you can also write your own ticket, launch your own thing, and be lightyears ahead of the rest, no matter what it is you choose to do…

Becoming a master of AI… a real AI Integrator… is going to become one of the highest paid skills of all time.

AI is a force multiplier…

No matter what it is you end up doing, even if it’s not becoming an AI Integrator Agency…

Having these skills can multiply whatever you’re doing 10 to 100 fold.

And like I said – AI is only getting better from here…

For the tens of millions of business owners yet to even use the most basic of AI like ChatGPT…

They are going to be SCRAMBLING in the next 6-12 months to catch up…

And they’ll quickly realise, they left it too late…

And their only option is to hire an expert to come in and get them up to speed QUICKTIME.

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